Today was a lazy day. I napped in a sunbeam in my chaise lounge. That took a good bit of the day. Then I logged onto the Web and went to my blog. There I was—pictures of
me! (That’s here, of course.) I read all about me. It was so interesting! But I know all that, so I surfed over to Google to look for pearls of wisdom about my breed. Sphynxes are a special and rare cat breed. (Well no surprise there.) We are affectionate and love to snuggle with our Humans. (As a matter of fact, my Human Male has the warmest, most spacious lap I’ve ever had the pleasure of dozing on. What’s not to like about that?) We Sphynxes love to be the center of attention (naturally), and we like to entertain our human companions with all sorts of delightful tricks and antics. (Antics?
I don’t do “antics.”) Sphynxes often have a peach-fuzz-like down that makes our skin feel
so soft, like suede or chamois. (After looking at a number of my kin in the online photo galleries, I seem quite hirsute by comparison. I have whiskers. I have ear furnishings. My tail, of course, is where it becomes quite clear that I’m a natural blonde, of which I’m quite proud. Really, what good does it do to be blonde if one has no hair to flaunt?) Sphynxes love to be touched and made much of (true), and we all positively adore baths! (Wait, who writes this stuff?) Well, this is very interesting and all, and I’ve enjoyed surfing and reading and looking at pictures. But clearly, you can’t believe everything you read on the Internet.