Turkey Day was a bust, I must say. And I had such high hopes. Just as I was nearing the giblet plate, the door bell rang! Well, a girl in my state of undress can’t let herself be seen by just anyone, now can she? I made for the stairs (as did the other two, truth be told). We settled in comfortably to wait out the intrusion. It couldn’t be that long, could it? I was deep into a well-deserved nap when I first noticed it. That smell. That incredible smell! The smell for which Turkey Day is renowned throughout the animal kingdom. I noticed The Princess had disappeared. Leave it to her to go prancing around and sprawling for the Humans for a chance at the feast. I have my dignity, thank you very much. I can wait. But where was he? He’s as strong-willed as I am. He has dignity. Doesn’t he?
Well, I guess my assessment of my housemates needs a little adjusting. I waited as that splendid aroma wafted down the stairs. And I waited. It was sheer torture, I tell you. Would they never leave? Just as I was about to go belly up in despair, I could hear footsteps. Departing footsteps! Thank the heavens, my wait was over. And as always, good things come to those who wait.
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