Thursday, December 13, 2007

I must be living in a Victorian novel. The weeping and pacing in the upstairs rooms has continued without interruption. Not even those of us on the lower floors have gotten any peace at all. Until this morning when they took her away, poor Princess. I didn’t actually see her go, sequestered as she was in her sedan chair. Then there was silence. Eventually my Humans returned. Alone. This is very disturbing. What am I to suppose? I must be very careful in the coming days not to do anything crazy. Or bad. Or at all. I might be taken away too! The Princess was a sweet little thing. Not really my cup of tea, but too innocent to receive such treatment as this, surely. I wonder where she is now. If they would only bring her home, I would help. I would stay by her side and nurse her back to health and sanity. I know I could do it. I must persuade them. Have hope, little Princess! We may yet see you again!

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