Now that the New Year is not quite so new, I’ve set aside a little time to evaluate how my Resolutions are working out.
- Beef and Liver Feast is back In! On my new diet I can eat whatever I want as long as it contains lots of protein and moisture! Animal protein, that is. Tofu is not acceptable no matter how politically correct.
- When my new Yoga DVD arrives, I can take my practice to the next level.
- My last bath was tear-free for everyone, especially with my lovely new “Baby Magic” body wash.
- I did say that I wouldn’t chase The Princess, but we were only playing.

I think my Resolutions are coming along splendidly. But it seems that no one else in the household has made any Resolutions whatsoever. Where is the pursuit of personal growth and fulfillment? For the good of the household, I must take it upon myself to suggest some of the more obvious Resolutions needed:
- I will be considerate of my housemates and cover up my litter box deposits.
- I will not hog all the warm spots on the bed, especially if I have mountains of fur.
- I will not gobble up all the table treats when the others, especially the naked ones, are not looking.
- I will finish and bestow hand-knit sweaters on those I have promised them to.
I could think of hundreds more Resolutions that would make our household a more harmonious place to live, but these will do for a start. Perhaps if I post them near the food dishes others might see them and get the hint. Besides, now would be a good time to see what’s on the New Menu.
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