1. I will chew my food with slow enjoyment and let the others finish their meal before I dispose of the leftovers. (This will help keep me svelte and slinky.)
2. I will take my yoga practice more seriously (which will lead me to the serene and centered life of perfection to which I aspire.)
3. Beef and Liver Feast is Out. Grilled Ocean Whitefish is In. (Everyone knows red meat is Bad and fish is Good.)
4. Sunscreen is a must at all times while sunbathing (if one wants to have perfect skin in one’s antiquity).
My second list is a purely philanthropic one. I’d like 2008 to be a kinder and gentler year, and I plan to do my part.
1. I will not chase, tackle, or bite the Princess, no matter how incredibly annoying she is.
2. I will share my blankie with him if he really, really needs it.
3. I will treat my bath attendants kindly and refrain from scratching or biting them when they lather up my tail.
This may seem like a very ambitious list, but I’ve started already! For example, tonight I much preferred